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Couverture de Wilde Like Me

Wilde Like Me

De : Louise Pentland
Lu par : Fiona Hardingham
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    Social talent star Louise Pentland brings us her enchanting and inspiring audiobook.

    You'll never forget the day you met #RobinWilde!

    'Four years, 2 months and 15 days of single-mum-dom. Didn't someone say this was supposed to get easier?'

    It's time for Robin Wilde to change. Her. Life.

    Robin Wilde has a beautiful six-year-old daughter, a job she's really rather good at, a wonderful best friend and an auntie who is bonkers, yes, but loves her to the moon and back. But Robin has a secret. Behind the mask she carefully applies every day, she can't shift the grey, lonely feelings of The Emptiness.

    She struggles to fit in with the school mum crew, online dating is totally despair-inducing and she worries all the time about raising her daughter with self-confidence, courage and joy. What Robin wants, more than anything, is someone (over the age of six) to share her life with. But Robin Wilde isn't one to wallow. If change won't come to her, she'll just have to go out there and find it.

    Exciting new opportunities are about to come Robin's way.... Perhaps a man, perhaps the promise of an adventure.... What will Robin do with the possibilities she creates? And when her perfect moment comes, will Robin be brave enough to take the leap?

    Enchanting and uplifting. Very funny. This audiobook will make you feel fantastic just for being you.

    ©2017 Louise Pentland (P)2017 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd

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