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Couverture de Why Honor Matters

Why Honor Matters

De : Tamler Sommers
Lu par : Tamler Sommers
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    A controversial call to put honor at the center of morality

    To the modern mind, the idea of honor is outdated, sexist, and barbaric. It evokes Hamilton and Burr and pistols at dawn, not visions of a well-organized society. But for philosopher Tamler Sommers, a sense of honor is essential to living moral lives. In Why Honor Matters, Sommers argues that our collective rejection of honor has come at great cost. Reliant only on Enlightenment liberalism, the United States has become the home of the cowardly, the shameless, the selfish, and the alienated. Properly channeled, honor encourages virtues like courage, integrity, and solidarity, and gives a sense of living for something larger than oneself. Sommers shows how honor can help us address some of society's most challenging problems, including education, policing, and mass incarceration. Counterintuitive and provocative, Why Honor Matters makes a convincing case for honor as a cornerstone of our modern society.

    ©2018 Tamler Sommers. (P)2018 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Why Honor Matters

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    Tamler versus Tamler

    The book is great. It is well researched and the argument is convincing and delivered with just the right amount of irreverence to make it enjoyable and not dry. It is short and easy to understand and I highly recommend everyone to read the book.

    The reading, on the other hand, is terrible. In fact, "terrible" does not even begin to capture how atrocious the listening experience is. I have listened to what amounts to hundred of hours of the author's podcast and know full well that he is capable of pronouncing a simple sentence without awkward pauses or stumbling on basic words, but after listening to the six hours of this book, I am not so sure anymore. I honestly feel like I, a non native English speaker, could have done a better job at reading this book on the first attempt.

    If you want to support the author and his work, and you should, I recommend buying the book instead, and maybe picture David Pizzaro reading it instead.

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