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Couverture de White Queen

White Queen

De : Philippa Gregory
Lu par : Susan Lyons
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    Brother turns on brother. The throne of England is at stake. The deadly Wars of the Roses have begun....

    They ruled England before the Tudors, and now internationally best-selling author Philippa Gregory brings the Plantagenets to life through the dramatic and intimate stories of the secret players: the indomitable women.

    Elizabeth Woodville, a woman of extraordinary beauty and ambition, secretly marries the newly crowned boy king of England. While she rises to the demands of her exalted position and fights for the success of her family, her two sons become the central figures in a famous unsolved mystery that has confounded historians for centuries: the lost princes in the Tower of London.

    Philippa Gregory brings the artistry and intellect of a master writer and storyteller to a new era in history and begins what is sure to be another best-selling classic series.

    ©2009 Philippa Gregory (P)2011 Simon & Schuster


    "It would be hard to make history more entertaining, lively or engaging." ( Sunday Express)
    "Queen of the historical novel." ( Mail on Sunday)
    "Gregory brings to life the sights, smells and textures of 16th-century England." ( Financial Times)

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