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Couverture de Waking Gods

Waking Gods

De : Sylvain Neuvel
Lu par : full cast
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Editors Select, April 2017 - Sylvain Neuvel's mind-blowing debut ended on a crazy cliff-hanger that hinted at some kind of warp in the space-time continuum (because I totally know what that means, btw). So I've been dying to jump into book two to start unraveling this, but instead we open on a completely separate mystery: A second giant 20-story-tall robot (for lack of a better term) has materialized seemingly from thin air in the center of London. We're a full 10 years from where we last left off, and no one can yet explain that huge issue from the end of the first book. So basically I feel like a frustrated and fictionally crazed dog chasing its tail, but I don't mind, because I'm back among friends - since the whole gang of the original brilliant multicast is back - and once again Sylvain Neuvel is baffling me in the best way possible. Emily, Audible Editor


    In the gripping sequel to Sleeping Giants, which was hailed by Pierce Brown as "a luminous conspiracy yarn...reminiscent of The Martian and World War Z", Sylvain Neuvel's innovative series about human-alien contact takes another giant step forward.

    As a child Rose Franklin made an astonishing discovery: a giant metallic hand buried deep within the earth. As an adult she's dedicated her brilliant scientific career to solving the mystery that began that fateful day: Why was a titanic robot of unknown origin buried in pieces around the world? Years of investigation have produced intriguing answers - and even more perplexing questions. But the truth is closer now than ever before when a second robot, more massive than the first, materializes and lashes out with deadly force.

    Now humankind faces a nightmare invasion scenario made real, as more colossal machines touch down across the globe. But Rose and her team at the Earth Defense Corps refuse to surrender. They can turn the tide if they can unlock the last secrets of an advanced alien technology. The greatest weapon humanity wields is knowledge in a do-or-die battle to inherit the Earth...and maybe even the stars.

    Cast of narrators:
    Andy Secombe - Interviewer
    Eric Meyers - Headings
    Roy McMillan - Jacob Lawson
    Laurel Lefkow - Rose Franklin
    Adna Sablylich - Marina Antoniou a.k.a. Alyssa Papantoniou
    Charlie Anson - Vincent Couture; Jamie
    Christopher Ragland - Ryan Mitchell; Lieutenant General Alan A Simms
    William Hope - Mr Burns; Eugene Govender
    Madeleine Rose - Kara Resnik
    Karina Fernandez - Eva Reyes
    Olivia Dowd - Sarah Kent
    Sarah Wells - Deborah Horsburgh

    ©2017 Sylvain Neuvel (P)2017 Random House Audio


    “Kick-ass, one-on-one robot action combines with mind-bending scientific and philosophical speculation. Series science-fiction fans will enjoy this follow-up filled with unexpected revelations and a surprise finale.” (Booklist)

    “Pure, unadulterated literary escapism featuring giant killer robots and the looming end of mankind. In a word: unputdownable.” (Kirkus Reviews [starred review])

    “Sheer escapist fun.” (Shelf Awareness)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Waking Gods

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    the story was fantastic and the cast fabulous ! Recipes absolutely!
    Loved the little ava !

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