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Couverture de Verona Comics

Verona Comics

De : Jennifer Dugan
Lu par : Michael Crouch, Taylor Meskimen, Rebecca Soler
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    From the author of Hot Dog Girl comes a fresh and funny queer YA contemporary novel about two teens who fall in love in an indie comic book shop.

    Jubilee has it all together. She's an elite cellist, and when she's not working in her stepmom's indie comic shop, she's prepping for the biggest audition of her life.

    Ridley is barely holding it together. His parents own the biggest comic-store chain in the country, and Ridley can't stop disappointing them - that is, when they're even paying attention.

    They meet one fateful night at a comic convention prom, and the two can't help falling for each other. Too bad their parents are at each other's throats every chance they get, making a relationship between them nearly impossible...unless they manage to keep it a secret.

    Then again, the feud between their families may be the least of their problems. As Ridley's anxiety spirals, Jubilee tries to help but finds her focus torn between her fast-approaching audition and their intensifying relationship. What if love can't conquer all? What if each of them needs more than the other can give?

    "A deep dive into first love while learning to manage significant mental health challenges...Dugan's strength is in creating a diverse cast of characters. Ridley is bisexual, Jubilee struggles with how to identify and label her sexuality, and most of the supporting characters are queer-identified."(School Library Journal)

    ©2020 Jennifer Dugan (P)2020 Listening Library


    "Breathlessly sweet." (Kirkus Reviews)

    "A deep dive into first love while learning to manage significant mental health challenges." (School Library Journal)

    "Part fresh romance, part honest exploration of the impact of depression and suicidal ideation on individuals and relationships...encapsulates an inspiring level of compassion from its flawed, endearing protagonists and an inclusive secondary cast." (Publishers Weekly)

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