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Couverture de Until Friday Night

Until Friday Night

De : Abbi Glines
Lu par : Olivia Song, Sebastian York
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    The first novel in a brand-new series - from New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Abbi Glines - about a small, Southern town filled with cute boys in pickup trucks, Friday night football games, and crazy parties that stir up some major drama.

    To everyone who knows him, West Ashby has always been that guy: the cocky, popular, way-too-handsome-for-his-own-good football god who led Lawton High to the state championships. But while West may be big man on campus on the outside, on the inside he's battling the grief that comes with watching his father slowly die of cancer.

    Two years ago Maggie Carleton's life fell apart when her father murdered her mother. And after she told the police what happened, she stopped speaking and hasn't spoken since. Even the move to Lawton, Alabama, couldn't draw Maggie back out. So she stayed quiet, keeping her sorrow and her fractured heart hidden away.

    As West's pain becomes too much to handle, he knows he needs to talk to someone about his father - so, in the dark shadows of a postgame party, he opens up to the one girl who he knows won't tell anyone else.

    West expected that talking about his dad would bring some relief or at least a flood of emotions he couldn't control. But he never expected the quiet new girl to reply, to reveal a pain even deeper than his own - or for them to form a connection so strong that he couldn't ever let her go....

    ©2015 Abbi Glines. All rights reserved. (P)2015 Simon & Schuster

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Until Friday Night

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