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  • Twelve Years a Slave

  • Includes Interviews of Former Slaves and Illustrations
  • De : Solomon Northup
  • Lu par : William Butler
  • Durée : 8 h et 18 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Couverture de Twelve Years a Slave

Twelve Years a Slave

De : Solomon Northup
Lu par : William Butler
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    Listen to the book that will soon become an Oscar Nominated movie this Fall. In addition to the original book by Solomon Northop, included in this book are interviews with former slaves. They tell us in their own words what their daily lives were like as they worked in the fields and kitchens of the southern slave holders. Rarely seen images of slavery are also included.You will come away with a very comprehensive outlook on slavery in North America.

    Twelve Years a Slave tells the amazing story of a free Black man who in 1841 is taken away from his family and sold into slavery in the deep south of the United States. Solomon Northop takes us with him on his most unfortunate Journey through the days of slavery. A journey no human being should ever endure. We feel his pain as he wakes up with his arms and legs bound in the chains of slavery. Will he ever get to see his wife or hold his children in his arms again?

    Included in this book are interviews with former slaves. They tell us in thier own words what thier daily lives were like as they worked in the fields and kitchens of the southern slave holders. Rarely seen images of slavery are also included.

    ©2013 EarlEdwards (P)2013 Earl Edwards

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