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Couverture de Truth Matters, Life Matters More

Truth Matters, Life Matters More

De : Hank Hanegraaff
Lu par : Lois Porter - foreword, Hank Hanegraaff
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    Is there more to the Christian life than what you’re currently experiencing? Leading Christian apologist Hank Hanegraaff has dedicated his life to defending truth, because truth matters. However, his life and ministry were radically transformed by this three-word phrase: life matters more.

    In essence, Truth Matters, Life Matters More is two books in one. Because truth matters, Part 1 explicates the essentials of the Christian faith in a memorable way to equip listeners to communicate Christian truth. In Part 2, Hank explains why life matters more and how we can experience the height of human existence—union with God. Simply put, the map is not the territory. The menu is not the meal. We cheat ourselves of unadulterated union with Christ when we elevate the message above the Messenger.

    Truth Matters, Life Matters More is a modern classic and the magnum opus of one of the great theological minds of our time. Prepare to discover the unexpected beauty of an authentic Christian life.

    ©2019 Hank Hanegraaff (P)2019 Thomas Nelson


    "Hank Hanegraaff's Truth Matters, Life Matters More is a remarkable tapestry of vast historical and scriptural knowledge, woven from personal experience, chronicles of faith journeys, and marvelous spiritual insights that mesh to create more than a compendium of theology. Indeed, he pulls the strands together with deftness and devotion, such that they form a map, a sacred topography of the life in Christ. And as a good cartographer would do, Hanegraaff makes sure that the reader has all the keys and legends to read his map. He knows how to point the reader in all the right directions, but he also knows that it is grace that 'will lead us home.'" Fr. Alex Karloutsos, Vicar General of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

    "Truth Matters, Life Matters More is an extraordinarily wise and thoughtful book, magnificent in its scope and inspiring in its presentation. From the way to detect counterfeit religions (and the importance of doing so) to the true meaning of the all-important but poorly understood Orthodox Christian concept of deification, Hank Hanegraaff brilliantly elucidates the pure joy of living a life in fidelity to truth, and to Truth Himself, the Author of all life. I thank God for my fellow Orthodox believer and for his unparalleled guide to the wonderful happiness of living as a Christian." Robert Spencer, bestselling author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The History of Jihad

    "In this moving and compelling book, Hank Hanegraaff recapitulates the apologetic themes that he has spent decades honing and defending—from human origins, to the reality of the resurrection, to the reliability of Scripture. But, more than that, he shows how this vital defense of truth must be part of the larger cause of uniting our life with the life of God. This is a theme that for too long has been missed by millions of believing Christians. Hank shows, with characteristic precision, how the traditional Christian idea of 'deification' is not some doubtful sidelight, but represents the culmination of the Christian life, and the source of Christian unity. Whether you've read all of Hank's books, or none of them, I urge you to read this one." Jay Richards, Ph.D., O.P., assistant research professor at the Catholic University of America, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, executive editor of The Stream, and a New York Times bestselling author—his many books include the forthcoming Eat, Fast, Feast

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