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Couverture de Trigger Mortis

Trigger Mortis

De : Anthony Horowitz
Lu par : David Oyelowo
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    James Bond is back where he belongs.

    Anthony Horowitz's new novel is a thrilling tour de force, sure to delight fans of the original 007 novels and new readers alike. It also features previously unseen material written by Bond's creator, Ian Fleming.

    The story begins in the lethal world of Grand Prix and with an attempt by the Russians to sabotage a race at Nürburgring, the most dangerous track in Europe. Bond is in the driving seat, but events swiftly take an unexpected turn, pitching him into an entirely different race with implications that could change the world.

    Anthony Horowitz recreates the golden age of Bond, packed with speed, danger, strong women, and fiendish villains, in this brilliantly authentic adventure.

    David Oyelowo has appeared in films such as The Last King of Scotland, Lincoln, Jack Reacher, The Butler and Selma.

    ©2015 Ian Fleming Publications Ltd and the Ian Fleming Estate (P)2015 Orion Publishing Group

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Trigger Mortis

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