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Couverture de Toward the Sea of Freedom

Toward the Sea of Freedom

De : Sarah Lark, D. W. Lovett - translator
Lu par : Anne Flosnik
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    In mid-nineteenth-century Ireland, charming Kathleen and dashing Michael harbor secrets and dreams. Imagining a life beyond the kitchen and fields of the wealthy family they both work for, they plot to leave their homeland, marry, and raise the child Kathleen is secretly carrying. The luck of the Irish, however, is not on their side.

    Soon, they find themselves swept up in circumstances they never could have fathomed. Kathleen is forced to marry against her will and immigrate to New Zealand. Michael is imprisoned for rebellion and exiled to Australia. As time passes and their new lives march on, they long for those stolen moments in the lush green fields of their native land. And they both still dream of escape, with no idea of how close fate will eventually bring them.

    ©2016 Sarah Lark (P)2015 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved. Translation © 2015 D. W. Lovett.

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