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Couverture de Top Secret

Top Secret

De : Sarina Bowen, Elle Kennedy
Lu par : Teddy Hamilton, Christian Fox
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    Best-selling authors Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy return with their first Male/Male romance in 3 years.

    LobsterShorts, 21. Jock. Secretly a science geek. Hot AF.

    LobsterShorts: So. Here goes. For her birthday, my girlfriend wants…a threesome.

    SinnerThree: Then you’ve come to the right hookup app.

    LobsterShorts: Have you done this sort of thing before? With another guy?

    SinnerThree: All the time. I’m an equal opportunity player. You?

    LobsterShorts: [crickets!]

    SinnerThree, 21. Finance major. Secretly a male dancer. Hot AF.

    SinnerThree: Well, I’m down if you are. My life is kind of a mess right now. School, work, family stress. Oh, and I live next door to the most annoying dude in the world. I need the distraction. Are you sure you want this?

    LobsterShorts: I might want it a little more than I’m willing to admit.

    SinnerThree: Hey, nothing wrong with pushing your boundaries....

    LobsterShorts: Tell that to my control-freak father. Anyway. What if this threesome is awkward?

    SinnerThree: Then it’s awkward. It’s not like we’ll ever have to see each other again. Right? Just promise you won’t fall in love with me.

    LobsterShorts: Now wouldn’t that be life-changing....

    Q&A about Top Secret:

    Q: Have we met these characters before in another book?
    A: No! These guys are brand new, and we can’t wait for you to meet them.

    Q: Is this story MM? Or is it a MMF / MFM / menage?
    A: This book is MM.

    Q: Is this a love triangle story?
    A: Not really. You’ll see.

    ©2019 Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy (P)2019 Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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