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Couverture de Time and Again

Time and Again

De : Deborah Heal
Lu par : Michelle Babb
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    An old house + A new computer program = The travel opportunity of a another century.

    Abby Thomas is spending the summer in a run-down old house with a bratty pre-teen named Merrideth she is supposed to tutor. Not a dream job. But it does come with perks.

    There's John Roberts, a devastatingly attractive neighbor who is almost too wonderful to be real.

    And there's the new computer program Beautiful Houses--also too amazing to be real. No one knows how it works, but with it she can rewind and fast-forward the lives of all the people who ever lived in the house, including Charlotte Miles.

    In 1858, the house is a train stop on the Alton & Chicago Line. And Charlotte is stuck there serving meals to the passengers, wondering if she'll ever get to have any fun. And then she meets two travelers who change her life forever.

    There's James McGuire with whom she falls in love. And there's his boss, a young Springfield lawyer named Abraham Lincoln. His debate with political opponent Stephen Douglas catapults him onto the national stage. And it inspires Charlotte to take up the cause of abolition.

    The House

    A stop on the Alton & Chicago Line. A stop on the Underground Railroad.

    Watching the house's history unfold, Abby and Merrideth gain a new perspective on their own lives as time and again they see God's loving hand in the lives of its inhabitants.

    ©2013 Deborah Heal (P)2014 Deborah Heal

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