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Couverture de Tiger


De : Laurann Dohner
Lu par : Vanessa Chambers
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Gaining consciousness in the arms of an enticingly handsome, not wholly human creature, Zandy believes herself to be an accidental victim of a senseless bar brawl being carried to the afterlife. Instead, in another of best-selling author Laurann Dohner’s New Species erotic romances, she is about to feel more sensually pleasured and alive than ever before. Ali Ahn, veteran of television crime dramas and the New York stage, brings a vocal complexity to characters using each other to overcome a mutual mistrust. Ironically, in giving as good as she gets, Zandy turns a purr into an unexpected roar from Tiger, head of security for the New Species Organization, who has sworn never to commit to any one female.


    Book 7 in the New Species series.

    Zandy’s had too much to drink and is in the wrong place at the wrong time. She knows she’s going to die. When next her eyes open, a beautiful man-creature is holding her in his arms. He’s just too tempting to resist; her very own fallen angel. She wraps herself around his body, determined to have him. But when this angel turns out to be flesh and blood, reality crashes in - she’s seducing a New Species.

    Tiger’s shock quickly turns to intense passion when the human female kisses him, despite the fact she’s trying to get his clothes off while he’s engaged in a task force operation. He’s also made it clear he’ll never take a mate. Rather difficult when he and Zandy can’t keep their hands off each other. The taste and feel of his little human just leaves Tiger wanting more.

    Publisher’s Note: While each New Species book is a standalone, the greatest enjoyment will come from listening to them in series order.

    ©2012 Laurann Dohner (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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