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Couverture de Three Steps Away: A Titus Ray Thriller

Three Steps Away: A Titus Ray Thriller

De : Luana Ehrlich
Lu par : D.C. Newman
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    He was in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person. Now, he’s forced to assume an identity from his past.

    CIA covert operative Titus Ray always figured one day he might encounter someone who knew him as a different person from a previous operation. He just never expected it to happen on a family vacation.

    It was the wrong place...

    While vacationing in Bridgetown, Barbados, Titus suddenly finds himself face-to-face with an Iranian businessman who knew him as Hammid Salimi when he was living in Tehran during a deep-cover operation. Forced to resume his old identity, Titus learns of a Russian government scheme to help Iran avoid strict economic sanctions imposed on them by the U.S.

    It was the wrong time...

    When Hammid Salimi receives an invitation to attend a party on the island where both Russian and Iranian bankers will be present, Titus risks his life to learn more about Russia’s plans to aid the Iranian regime.

    It was the wrong person...

    After Titus learns the Russians, in partnership with some Iranian investors, have developed a new banking transaction software, the Agency sends Titus to Beirut to participate in the beta testing of the computer program, where he discovers a Russian businessman is not who he claims to be, a discovery that almost costs Titus his life.

    It was the wrong place, wrong time, and wrong person, but it was the right decision. The decision Titus made to resume his old identity could have had disastrous consequences. Instead, it caused him to rely on his faith, confront his anger issues, and depend on the power of prayer.

    ©2020 Luana Ehrlich (P)2020 Luana Ehrlich

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