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Couverture de This Beautiful Book

This Beautiful Book

De : Steve Green, Bill High - contributor
Lu par : Henry O. Arnold
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    In This Beautiful Book, Steve Green - founder of the Museum of the Bible - highlights life-changing themes woven through the mosaic of the Bible's various stories, reveals a new way to engage Scripture as a whole, and inspires deep appreciation for the Bible's connection to your life.

    The most popular and culture-shaping text in the world, the Bible is still the least understood book of all time.

    The Bible's collection of history, poetry, genealogy lists, and mystifying prophecies often prove puzzling. And when this text is absorbed in pieces, we're left with only a half impression of the vibrant mosaic. This Beautiful Book highlights the thematic threads woven throughout the ancient writings and shows us a new way to engage with Scripture as a whole.

    Through insights gained from firsthand experiences in leading and developing the first world-class Bible museum, Green invites listeners to step back from the individual stories of the Bible and consider the Bible as a whole. He reveals the completeness, connection, and transformative power of Scripture. Along with stunning retellings of biblical stories, Green helps listeners see the story within the story and draws the careful connections that help us appreciate the richness of the Bible story as a single story. Each chapter will spark or embolden your faith in a God who speaks to us across the centuries.

    A truly captivating experience, this audiobook will instill in you a deep appreciation for Scripture and its profound connection to your own life story.

    Timelines and reference materials are available in the audiobook companion PDF download.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Steve Green (P)2019 Zondervan

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