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Couverture de The War of the Worlds (AmazonClassics Edition)

The War of the Worlds (AmazonClassics Edition)

De : H. G. Wells
Lu par : Matthew Lloyd Davies
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    A metallic cylinder falls to earth, landing in the sands of Horsell Common, Surrey, generating curiosity and awe. But what's inside soon induces only terror. The story that unfolds is a breathless first-person account of an inconceivable reality: an extraterrestrial war has been waged on the planet.

    In a twist on cautionary turn-of-the-century invasion literature, H. G. Wells posits the Martian attack as an insurmountable apocalyptic event. The first of its kind and a foundational work, The War of the Worlds inspired a radio broadcast, television shows, graphic novels, and countless films; roused the imagination and stirred anxieties; and changed the landscape of science fiction for generations.

    AmazonClassics brings you timeless works from the masters of storytelling. Ideal for anyone who wants to listen to a great work for the first time or rediscover an old favorite, these new editions open the door to literature's most unforgettable characters and beloved worlds.

    Revised edition: Previously published as The War of the Worlds, this edition of The War of the Worlds (AmazonClassics Edition) includes editorial revisions.

    Public Domain (P)2017 Brilliance Audio

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