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Couverture de The Traitor Queen

The Traitor Queen

De : Danielle L. Jensen
Lu par : Lauren Fortgang, James Patrick Cronin
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    Lara has only one thought when her husband is taken prisoner: I will do whatever it takes to set you free.

    A queen now in exile as a traitor, Lara has watched Ithicana be conquered by her own father, helpless to do anything to stop the destruction. But when she learns her husband, Aren, has been captured in battle, Lara knows there is only one reason her father is keeping him alive: as bait for his traitorous daughter.

    And it is bait she fully intends to take.

    Risking her life to the Tempest Seas, Lara returns to Ithicana with a plan not only to free its king, but for liberating the Bridge Kingdom from her father’s clutches using his own weapons: the sisters whose lives she spared.

    But as Lara and her companions formulate a plan to free Aren from her father’s palace, they soon discover that while it is easy to get in, it will be quite another thing to get Aren, and themselves, back out. Not only is the palace inescapable, there are more players in the game than Lara ever realized, enemies and allies switching sides in the fight for crowns, kingdoms, and bridges. But her greatest adversary of all might be the very man she’s trying to free - the husband she betrayed.

    With everything she loves in jeopardy, Lara must decide who - and what - she is fighting for: her kingdom, her husband, or for herself.

    ©2019 Danielle L. Jensen (P)2020 Audible Originals, LLC.

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Traitor Queen

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      3 out of 5 stars
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      3 out of 5 stars

    Trop de batailles

    Deuxième partie décevante par rapport à la première. Trop de violence, de batailles, peu de romance finalement

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    • Global
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      5 out of 5 stars

    Aahhh all the feels with Lara and Aren

    This book was so intense with everything from political drama, war, romance to adventure. Took me on an emotional ride. Lara was so so spectacular in this one, you are going to want to cry for her and hug her. Aren was as usual a sweetheart too. If you are wondering dw, this book has an hea so you are not gunna want to forget this book. I wish we had got to know something about her other sisters too they seem coooool with their sass. All in all what an emotional ride loved every single scene with Lara and Aren.

    The narration was awesome too with all the emotions in the voice (they honestly made my cry) which we often don’t get while reading. Though I wish we had it in hard copy early. It’s a deeper connection with reading it and nice to re-read it.

    Definitely recommended✅

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