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Couverture de The Source

The Source

De : James A. Michener
Lu par : Larry McKeever
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    In the grand storytelling style that is his signature, James Michener sweeps us back through time to the very beginnings of the Jewish faith, thousands of years ago. Through the predecessors of four modern men and women, we experience the entire colorful history of the Jews, including the life of the early Hebrews and their persecutions, the impact of Christianity, the Crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition, all the way to the founding of present-day Israel and the Middle East conflict.

    ©2013 James A. Michener; 2015 Random House Audio


    "Fascinating...stunning...[a] wonderful rampage through history...Biblical history, as seen through the eyes of a professor who is puzzled, appalled, delighted, enriched and impoverished by the spectacle of a land where all men are archeologists." ( The New York Times)
    "A sweeping [novel] filled with excitement - pagan ritual, the clash of armies, ancient and modern: the evolving drama of man's faith." ( The Philadelphia Inquirer)
    "Magnificent...a superlative piece of writing both in scope and of the great books of this generation." ( San Francisco Call Bulletin)

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