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Couverture de The Scent of Almonds and Other Stories

The Scent of Almonds and Other Stories

De : Camilla Läckberg
Lu par : Robin Bowerman
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    The Scent of Almonds and Other Stories is a collection of short stories from the number-one international best-seller Camilla Lackberg. Perfect for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.

    The Scent of Almonds - It's less than a week until Christmas, and policeman Martin Mohlin is begrudgingly accompanying his girlfriend to a family reunion on the tiny island of Valön outside of Fjällbacka. The connection to the mainland is cut off by a snowstorm, and when the domineering patriarch, Ruben, collapses during Christmas dinner, Martin is forced to intervene. He soon establishes that Ruben was murdered, and since they are completely isolated on the island, one of the family members must be the murderer....

    A charming novella in the style of Agatha Christie, closely linked to the Fjällbacka series.

    ©2015 Camilla Lackberg (P)2015 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "The hottest female writer in Sweden." (Independent)
    "Heart-stopping and heart-warming...a masterclass in Scandinavian crime writing." (Val McDermid)
    "Pacy...with flashing insight into the dark places of the psyche." (Sunday Times)
    "Lackberg is an expert at mixing scenes of domestic cosiness with blood-curdling horror." (Guardian)
    "Both chilling and thrilling." (Sun)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Scent of Almonds and Other Stories

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