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Couverture de The P.G. Wodehouse Collection

The P.G. Wodehouse Collection

De : P. G. Wodehouse
Lu par : B. J. Harrison
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    This title includes not only the entire audiobook of Right Ho, Jeeves, but also all of the P.G. Wodehouse titles in the current Classic Tales library. It also includes a Jeeves short story only available in the collection: "Extricating Young Gussie". The complete running time is over 15 hours. Here is a list of the titles: "Leave It To Jeeves", "Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest", "The Aunt and the Sluggard", "Death at the Excelsior", "Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg", "Jeeves in the Springtime", "The Man Upstairs", "Jeeves and the Chump Cyril", "Jeeves Takes Charge", "Deep Waters", "The Man Who Disliked Cats", "Extricating Young Gussie", and Right Ho, Jeeves (the unabridged novel - seven hours in length). All titles have been remastered, and have never sounded better!

    Public Domain (P)2014 B. J. Harrison


    "This is a wonderful collection, so well done, I m continually amazed at how well BJ does the voices and the production is of the highest quality. The jeeves episodes are my favorites of all time, they make me laugh each time I listen to them time, which I do often. I can't recommend this collection and his work in general enough!" - Anthony G. "I have loved reading PG Wodehouse since I was a teen, and have never ever heard anyone interpret the zany hijinks and subtle sarcasm as well as BJ Harrison. There are nights I would try to fall asleep to his wonderful voice but the funny would keep me awake :) If you love the stories of Wodehouse, you will love how BJ brings them to life." - Dee "B. J. does a great job with all of the Wodehousian characters, male and female. I don't know how he does it, even mixing British and American accents when appropriate. Very entertaining and recommended to all of P. G.'s fans (which should be everbody who cares about great writing.)" - Grampaul

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The P.G. Wodehouse Collection

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