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  • The Night is for Hunting

  • Tomorrow Series #6
  • De : John Marsden
  • Lu par : Suzi Dougherty
  • Durée : 6 h et 36 min
  • 3,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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The Night is for Hunting

De : John Marsden
Lu par : Suzi Dougherty
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    The sixth volume in the award-winning Tomorrow series.

    "I lay there, heart still pounding from the shock of seeing the man surrender and then get killed, the shock of seeing so much blood, more blood than I'd even seen from one person before...."

    They are the enemy. And they're still out there. They're in your street, your home, the safest places you know. You feel their hot breath, even in the depths of hell. Ellie and Homer are out there too. Lee and Fi and Kevin. They've forgotten what it means to be safe. Sometimes they feel like there's nowhere left for them. They may be right.

    ©2001 Jomden Pty Ltd. (P)1999, 2001 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd, by arrangement with Jomden Pty Ltd.
    • Série : Tomorrow, Volume 6
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "There are plenty of dramatic, fast-paced battle scenes with lots of action and carnage, which is vividly depicted. Ellie wrestles with her conscience throughout the story." ( School Library Journal)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Night is for Hunting

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