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Couverture de The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers

The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers

De : Pat Petrini, Honoree Corder, Hal Elrod
Lu par : Rob Actis
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    Tried all the networking marketing tricks without results? It's time to transform your daily routine and grow yourself first to grow your business fast!

    You've consumed all the books on sales techniques, generating leads, and closing, but you aren't making the progress you'd hoped for. What if you could make a few simple changes to increase your income, reduce your stress, and send your fulfillment through the roof? Start the next chapter of your career with a system that's been time tested by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

    The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers uses Hal Elrod's global phenomenon to give you the strategies, mindset, and daily rituals that match the top 1 percent of all network marketers, so you can grow yourself and your business faster than you ever thought possible.

    Once you've nailed down your miracle morning, Hal Elrod and Pat Petrini's book shows you exactly what you should be doing with "the rest of your day". When you apply these fundamental business building skills to your network marketing business, you won't just get to the'll stay there.

    The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers is your key to making immediate and profound changes on the path to a bigger team and the life of your dreams. Listen now to discover the simplest, fastest path to network marketing prosperity.

    ©2015 Hal Elrod (P)2015 Hal Elrod

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers

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    Good tools

    I would have loved to have a pdf accessible somewhere to have access to links and stuff available in it. But I spent a good time to listen to this book and have a lot of notes from this one. I listen regularly to these “clip”
    Very useful book. You prioritize, you put in action, you structure your life .... etc

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