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Couverture de The Lost and Found Bookshop

The Lost and Found Bookshop

De : Susan Wiggs
Lu par : Emily Rankin
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    The latest heartwarming novel from the New York Times best selling author Susan Wiggs.

    Heartbroken Natalie Harper inherits her mother’s charming, cash-strapped bookshop and finds herself the carer for her ailing grandfather Andrew. She thinks it’s best to move him to an assisted-living home to ensure his care, but to pay for it, Natalie will have to sell up the bookshop. However, Grandpa Andrew owns the building and refuses to budge.
    Moving into the studio apartment above the shop, Natalie hires a contractor, Peach Gallagher, to do some repairs. His young daughter becomes a regular at the shop, and she and Natalie begin reading together while Peach works. Slowly, Natalie’s sorrow begins to dissipate as her life becomes an unexpected journey of new friendships. From unearthing hidden artifacts in the bookshop’s walls, to learning the truth about her family, the bookshop is full of surprises. Can Natalie reveal her own heart’s desire and turn a new page…?

    ©2020 Susan Wiggs (P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    “The great Susan Wiggs writes with grace, insight and wisdom about the things that matter.”—Adriana Trigiani bestselling author of The Shoemaker’s Wife

    ‘This is Susan Wiggs at her best. I devoured the book, turning the pages so fast I got a papercut!’ DEBBIE MACOMBER, New York Times best-selling author

    ‘Love, loss, passion and everything in between… I love Susan Wiggs' novels so much.’ JENNY COLGAN

    ‘A wonderful read, fun and wise and absolutely delicious!’ NANCY THAYER, New York Times-bestselling author of The Island House

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