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Couverture de The Key of Infinity & Other Stories

The Key of Infinity & Other Stories

De : John French, Andy Smillie, Ben Counter, C Z Dunn
Lu par : John Banks, Steve Conlin, Jonathan Keeble, Tim Bruce, Andrew Wincott, Matthew Hunt, Toby Longworth, Saul Reichlin
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    In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. But war is waged in many ways. From the dark places where 10,000-year-old psychic warriors interrogate living machines from a time before man, to a treacherous assassination plot that could bring an end to a centuries-old legacy of honour, to relic hunters who want to wrest secrets from a plague-ridden traitor or cross swords with a sinister Chaplain of the Dark Angels, this collection of four audio dramas showcases battles of the mind and spirit in which the victors will be those with the strength to prevail against not only their foes but their own weaknesses.  

    Key of Infinity by John French

    Thousand Sons sorcerer Ahzek Ahriman studies an ancient construct of the necrontyr race - but the necron is studying him right back and has plans of its own....

    Running time: 18 minutes. Performed by John Banks, Steve Conlin, Jonathan Keeble and Saul Reichlin.  

    The Assassination of Gabriel Seth by Andy Smillie 

    Gabriel Seth, Chapter Master of the Flesh Tearers, has made many enemies in his long years defending the Imperium - and now they plot against him, planning his death. But Seth will not be taken down so easily....

    Running time: 23 minutes. Performed by John Banks, Tim Bruce, Steve Conlin and Andrew Wincott.  

    Heart of Decay by Ben Counter 

    Two heroes of the Relictors Space Marine Chapter interrogate a prisoner - a hideous servant of the Dark Gods, a Traitor Astartes of the Death Guard.  

    Running time 28 minutes. Performed by John Banks, Matthew Hunt and Toby Longworth.  

    The Rage of Asmodai by C Z Dunn 

    Captain Vidarna of the Relictors finds a mission to capture a Chaos artefact complicated by Dark Angels Chaplain Asmodai, who has his own sinister mission.  

    Running time: 25 minutes. Performed by John Banks, Steve Conlin, Jonathan Keeble, Toby Longworth and Saul Reichlin.

    ©2018 Games Workshop Limited (P)2018 Games Workshop Limited

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