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Couverture de The Invitation

The Invitation

De : Belinda Alexandra
Lu par : Caroline Lee
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    In Gilded Age New York, money buys everything. What is your price? From the best-selling author of Tuscan Rose comes a mesmerising tale of two sisters and the dangers and seductions of excess.

    Sometimes the ties that bind are the most dangerous of all....

    Paris, 1899. Emma Lacasse has been estranged from her older sister for nearly 20 years, since Caroline married a wealthy American and left France. So when Emma receives a request from Caroline to meet her, she is intrigued. Caroline invites Emma to visit her in New York, on one condition: Emma must tutor her shy, young niece, Isadora, and help her prepare for her society debut.

    Caroline lives a life of unimaginable excess and opulence as one of New York's Gilded Age millionaires, and Emma is soon immersed in a world of luxury beyond her wildest dreams - a far cry from her bohemian lifestyle as a harpist and writer with her lover, Claude, in Montmartre.

    Emma hopes for an emotional reunion with her only family, but instead she finds herself in the viselike grip of her charismatic and manipulative sister, who revels in the machinations of the ultrarich. As Emma begins to question her sister's true motives, a disaster strikes, and New York society is stripped bare - beneath the glittering exterior lies a seething nest of deceit, betrayal, moral corruption...and perhaps even murder.

    ©2018 Belinda Alexandra (P)2019 Bolinda Publishing

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    A joy to listen to

    This is a wonderful story that takes you to another time, another place, and makes you love the experience! It's like being in a wonderful dream. You wake up, do your daily chores, work, eat, etc., and then go back to that dream (in my case, while taking my daily walk) until the book is over. I find this in all of Belinda Alexandra's books narrated by Caroline Lee, regardless of the plot (I love the plots too). And please leave Caroline Lee alone about accents, she does an amazing job with all of them. When I hear Claude, a Frenchman, speak through Caroline's voice, I'm impressed. You can trust me, I live in France and speak French fluently. She makes Claude sound typically French (in English!) as well as good-looking and romantic! I don't know any other narrator who can something like do that.

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