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Couverture de The Home Edit

The Home Edit

De : Clea Shearer, Joanna Teplin
Lu par : Clea Shearer, Joanna Teplin, Tara Sands
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    There’s decorating, and then there’s organizing. From the Instagram-sensation home experts (with a serious fan club that includes Reese Witherspoon, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Mindy Kaling), here is an accessible, room-by-room guide to establishing new order in your home.

    Believe this: Every single space in your house has the potential to function efficiently and look great. The mishmash of summer and winter clothes in the closet? Yep. Even the dreaded junk drawer? Consider it done. And the best news: It’s not hard to do - in fact, it's a lot of fun. 

    From the home organizers who made their orderly eye candy the method that everyone swears by comes Joanna and Clea’s signature approach to decluttering. The Home Edit walks you through paring down your belongings in every room, arranging them in a stunning and easy-to-find way (hello, labels!), and maintaining the system, so you don't need another do-over in six months. When you're done, you'll not only know exactly where to find things, but you'll also love the way it looks. 

    The Home Edit is a masterclass filled with detailed tips, from placing plastic dishware in a drawer where little hands can reach to categorizing pantry items by color (there's nothing like a little ROYGBIV to soothe the soul). Above all, it's like having your best friends at your side to help you turn the chaos into calm. 

    Includes a PDF with resources to help you stay inspired and T.H.E. fridge labels.

    Featured in Glamour's 10 Books to Help You Live Your Best Life

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©2019 Clea Shearer (P)2019 Random House Audio


    "In their forthcoming book [Clea and Joanna] are bringing their tried-and-true decluttering methods straight from their celeb clients' closets into your home, along with step-by-step tips to help even the most organizationally-challenged among us implement and maintain their aesthetically pleasing lifestyle hacks." (

    "The Home Edit has grown a loyal celebrity and social media following thanks to a streamlined philosophy that’s often delivered with some hilarious punch lines. Their new book is a room-by-room guide to this philosophy." (

    "In a nutshell, when the stars need help with a mess, they call The Home Edit. Not to worry, though, the ladies of the business have a book coming out that will give all their tips and tricks, so you can have a Hollywood-worthy pantry as well." (

    "If you ever see an incredibly organized pantry or enviably neat closet from your favorite celebrity on Instagram, it's probably the work of Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin, co-founders of The Home Edit. These professional home organization experts live for color-coded shelves, matching baskets and labeled jars to help their A-list clients achieve organization nirvana." (

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