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Couverture de The Heart of a Scoundrel

The Heart of a Scoundrel

De : Christi Caldwell
Lu par : Tim Campbell
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    Ruthless, wicked, and dark, the Marquess of Rutland rouses terror in the breasts of ladies and noblemen alike. All Edmund wants in life is power. After he was publically humiliated by his one love, Lady Margaret, he vowed vengeance, using Margaret's niece as his pawn. Except he's thwarted by another more enticing target: Miss Phoebe Barrett.

    Miss Phoebe Barrett knows precisely the shame she's been born to. Because her father is a shocking letch, she's learned to form her own opinions on a person's worth. After a chance meeting with the Marquess of Rutland, she is captivated by the mysterious man. He, too, is a victim of society's scorn, but the more encounters she has with Edmund, the more she knows there is powerful depth and emotion to the jaded marquess.

    The lady wreaks havoc on Edmund's plans for revenge, and he finds he wants Phoebe at all costs. As she's drawn into the darkness of his world, Phoebe risks being destroyed by Edmund's ruthlessness. And Phoebe, who desires love at all costs, has to determine if she can ever truly trust the heart of a scoundrel.

    ©2015 Christi Caldwell (P)2016 Audible, Inc.


    "Narrator Tim Campbell gives a sizzling performance in this story of a scoundrel transformed by his love for a young woman. Campbell's English accent and rich, low tones perfectly capture the allure of the detestable and delectable Edmund, Marquess of Rutland, who plots revenge on a former lover by ruining her niece. Campbell's falsetto tones mingled with a tone of sweetness bring out Miss Phoebe Barrett's disarming gentleness, which distracts Edmund from his original plan as she becomes the new object of his desire. The nuances of societal roles are deftly conveyed through the formal tone of Edmund's butler and the restrained tones of the gentlemen. Campbell successfully brings out the lusciousness and lasciviousness of this titillating Regency romance, making for a captivating listening experience." ( AudioFile Magazine)

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