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Couverture de The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

De : F. Scott Fitzgerald
Lu par : Jake Gyllenhaal
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    Audie Award Finalist, Classic, 2014

    F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic American novel of the Roaring Twenties is beloved by generations of readers and stands as his crowning work. This new audio edition, authorized by the Fitzgerald estate, is narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Jake Gyllenhaal (Brokeback Mountain). Gyllenhaal's performance is a faithful delivery in the voice of Nick Carraway, the Midwesterner turned New York bond salesman, who rents a small house next door to the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby. There, he has a firsthand view of Gatsby’s lavish West Egg parties - and of his undying love for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan.

    After meeting and losing Daisy during the war, Gatsby has made himself fabulously wealthy. Now, he believes that his only way to true happiness is to find his way back into Daisy’s life, and he uses Nick to try to reach her. What happens when the characters’ fantasies are confronted with reality makes for a startling conclusion to this iconic masterpiece.

    This special audio edition joins the upcoming film - as well as many other movie, radio, theater, and even video-game adaptations - as a fitting tribute to the cultural significance of Fitzgerald’s Jazz Age classic, widely regarded as one of the greatest stories ever told.

    ©1925 Charles Scribner's Sons. Copyright renewed 1953 by Frances Scott Fitzgerald Lanahan (P)2013 Audible, Inc.

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    I loved discovering this classic !

    The Great Gatsby is a book I heard a lot about but never had the opportunity to read. Now I have listen to it and loved everything about it: the story, the style and the voice of the reader.

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    A masterpiece!!!

    Words may not be enough to describe Fitzgerald's work as it is truly a masterpiece of American literature!!!

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    Amazing Story and Narrator

    Jake Gyllenhaal as narrator is sublime! I read this book for the first time 15 years ago and it’s even better than what I remembered. The narration adds another level of enjoyment. Highly recommended!

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    Amazing book!

    It is an amazing book! Loved it!
    I would not recommend to watch the film before or after the reading, though, as the book is way better!

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    THE END?!?!,!, WTF
    Outstanding btw, after reading it I advise you to take a look at the analysis of the novel!!

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