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Couverture de The Girlfriend Stage

The Girlfriend Stage

De : Megan Walker, Janci Patterson
Lu par : Lauren Ezzo, Alex Boyles
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    In this stand-alone sequel to The Extra, Anna-Marie has never wanted to find love - but love’s about to find her.

    Anna-Marie Halsey loves her job as a regular on the soap opera Southern Heat almost as much as she loves living the LA lifestyle: clubbing and partying and casually dating gorgeous men - most recently powerhouse agent Josh Rios. When Anna-Marie starts feeling more-than-casual about Josh - her signature cue to break things off - she finds a much-needed excuse to get away: a family reunion in small-town Wyoming.

    In Wyoming, Anna-Marie remembers why she’s spent years avoiding her crazy family and claustrophobic hometown - and her ex-boyfriend, up-and-coming rock musician Shane Beckstrom, provides the perfect distraction. But when a Boy Scout troop films them nude in a hot spring, Anna-Marie finds Wyoming even more nerve-wracking than her paralyzing fear of commitment. To make matters worse, Josh Rios appears, and it’s clear that commitment is exactly what he’s hoping for. Anna-Marie isn’t sure what she wants, but being trapped in Everett, Wyoming, with Josh, Shane, and her crazy family when her impromptu sex-tape hits the internet sure isn’t it.

    The Girlfriend Stage is book two in The Extra series, but it stands alone, and can be listened to first, without missing anything except the backgrounds of the side characters. It features PG-13 rated sexual content, no cliff-hanger, and a swoon-worthy happily ever after.

    ©2019 Megan Walker and Janci Patterson (P)2019 Blackstone Publishing
    • Série : The Extra, Volume 2
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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