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  • The Four Essentials of a Dream Relationship and Finding and Keeping the Love You Want

  • De : Harville Hendrix Ph.D.
  • Lu par : Harville Hendrix
  • Durée : 3 h et 55 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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The Four Essentials of a Dream Relationship and Finding and Keeping the Love You Want

De : Harville Hendrix Ph.D.
Lu par : Harville Hendrix
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    Nearly all of us have an ideal of what a "dream" relationship would be, but very few of us are living in one. Three decades of research and clinical practice have led Harville Hendrix to pinpoint four essential "non-negotiable" keys to creating and sustaining a healthy, loving relationship.

    In this workshop, he will help couples: understand what prevents them from achieving the type of relationship they aspire to; discover how to cultivate those habits that can create the conditions that permit such a relationship to blossom; and practice the Imago Dialogue, a three-step process that offers us a highly effective tool to transform our dream about our relationship into reality.

    Harville Hendrix is one of the foremost therapists and authors in the world on the subject of relationships. This presentation explores the role the unconscious plays in choosing a partner and will show you how to avert anguish, stimulate growth, and gain insight to your patterns of attraction and conflict.

    You will learn to pinpoint unmet childhood needs and replace self-defeating traits with effective skills. Whether you’re in a relationship or are having trouble connecting with the right person, this lecture will show you how to get the love you want!

    Harville Hendrix, PhD, is a clinical pastoral counselor who is known internationally for his work with couples. He and his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD, co-created Imago Relationship Therapy and developed the concept of "conscious partnership". Their own partnership and collaboration has resulted in nine books on intimate relationships and parenting, including the best-selling book Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples.

    ©2013 Harville Hendrix (P)2012 BetterListen! LLC, all rights reserved.


    "I have learned a lot from Harville Hendrix. His work is profoundly insightful." (Marianne Williamson)

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