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  • The Fast Metabolism Diet

  • Eat More Food and Lose More Weight
  • De : Haylie Pomroy
  • Lu par : Rebecca Lowman
  • Durée : 5 h et 42 min
  • 1,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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The Fast Metabolism Diet

De : Haylie Pomroy
Lu par : Rebecca Lowman
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    Haylie Pomroy has helped thousands of clients lose up to 20 pounds in just 4 weeks - all through the fat-burning power of food. Hailed as "the metabolism guru", Haylie reminds us that food is not the enemy, it’s medicine needed to rev up your sluggish, broken-down metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning furnace. 

    On this plan you’re going to eat a lot. You’re going to eat three full meals and at least two snacks a day - and you’re still going to lose weight. What you’re not going to do is count a single calorie or fat gram. You’re not going to ban entire food groups. You’re not going to go carb-free or vegan or go cold turkey on the foods you love. Instead, you’re going to rotate what you’re eating throughout each week according to a simple and proven plan carefully designed to induce precise physiological changes that will set your metabolism on fire.

    • Phase I (Monday-Tuesday): Lots of carbs and fruits
    • Phase II (Wednesday-Thursday): Lots of proteins and veggies
    • Phase III (Friday-Sunday): All of the above, plus healthy fats and oils

    By keeping your metabolism guessing in this specific and deliberate way, you’ll get it working faster. This isn’t just a theory, it’s the results-based product of Haylie Pomroy’s successful programs. It’s worked for celebrities, for athletes, and for people with chronic illnesses who need to lose weight, doctor’s orders. Now it’s going to work for you. 

    In four weeks not only will you see the weight fall off, you’ll also see your cholesterol drop, your blood sugar stabilize, your energy increase, your sleep improve, and your stress dramatically reduce. All thanks to the miraculous power of real, delicious, satisfying food! 

    Plus, by switching up what you’re eating every few days, you’ll get to enjoy a greater variety of foods, so your palate will never feel bored or deprived. Complete with four weeks of meal plans and over 50 recipes - including vegetarian, organic, and gluten-free options - this is the silver bullet for the chronic dieter who has tried every fad diet and failed, the first-time dieter attempting to kick her metabolism into gear, and anyone who wants to naturally and safely eat her way to a skinner, healthier self. 

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©2013 Haylie Pomroy (P)2013 Random House Audio

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