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Couverture de The Echo Chamber

The Echo Chamber

De : John Boyne
Lu par : Richard E. Grant
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    What a thing of wonder a mobile phone is. Six ounces of metal, glass and plastic, fashioned into a sleek, shiny, precious object. At once, a gateway to other worlds - and a treacherous weapon in the hands of the unwary, the unwitting, the inept.

    The Cleverley family live a gilded life, little realising how precarious their privilege is, just one tweet away from disaster. George, the patriarch, is a stalwart of television interviewing, a 'national treasure' (his words); his wife, Beverley, a celebrated novelist (although not as celebrated as she would like); and their children, Nelson, Elizabeth, Achilles, various degrees of catastrophe waiting to happen.

    Together they will go on a journey of discovery through the Hogarthian jungle of the modern living where past presumptions count for nothing and carefully curated reputations can be destroyed in an instant. Along the way, they will learn how volatile, how outraged, how unforgiving the world can be when you step from the proscribed path.

    Powered by John Boyne's characteristic humour and razor-sharp observation, The Echo Chamber is a satiric helter skelter, a dizzying downward spiral of action and consequence, poised somewhere between farce, absurdity and oblivion. To err is maybe to be human but to really foul things up you only need a phone.

    ©2021 John Boyne (P)2021 Penguin Audio

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Echo Chamber

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    Absolutely brilliant!

    Warning: highly addictive material! Once you start the book it is really hard to let it down.

    The characters are obvious caricatures but they are both terrible and captivating, and the crazy situations they get themselves into are often hilarious, but also moving and thought-provoking.

    I had the chance to listen to the audiobook version interpreted by the extremely talented Richard E. Grant. Now I want to listen to more audiobooks read by him: he has the gift to make texts more enjoyable than a movie or a play!

    Stop whatever you're doing and start reading this book right now!

    (I can't believe that I am actually typing all this on a phone, oh the irony...)

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    • Global
      4 out of 5 stars
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      5 out of 5 stars

    A story of our world today

    I didn’t like the book at the beginning because the characters are some rich, entitled , dum idiots. I have known many people like that and ended up selling my house in Los Angeles and moving to the other side of the world, to a small hamlet in France, to escape them. But, the story grows on you and becomes exponentially better as it goes.
    It is a satyre of the state of some of our world today with social media and the cancel culture, and frankly people incapable of understanding a metaphor. Interesting! And well written. The person reading is a bit annoying however.

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