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Couverture de The Diamond Cutter

The Diamond Cutter

De : Geshe Michael Roach, Lama Christie McNally
Lu par : Geshe Michael Roach
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    With a unique combination of ancient and contemporary wisdom from Tibetan Buddhism, The Diamond Cutter presents readers with empowering strategies for success in their personal and professional lives. The book is presented in three layers. The first is a translation of The Diamond Sutra, an ancient text of conversations between the Buddha and his close disciple Subhuti. The second contains quotes from some of the best commentaries in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. And the third layer, the main text, is the practical application of Buddhist philosophies to the world of business, based upon Geshe Michael Roach's 17-years of experience as an employee of the Andin International Diamond Corporation, a company that grew during his tenure from four employees to a world leader in the jewelry industry.

    Roach's easy style and spiritual understanding make The Diamond Cutter an invaluable source of timeless wisdom for those familiar or unfamiliar with Tibetan Buddhism. His focus on practical personal and business applications has resonated with and changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals the world over since its original publication.

    ©2009 Geshe Michael Roach (P)2009 Audible, Inc.


    "A Cross between the Dalai Lama's ethics and Stephen Covey's Seven Habits, The Diamond Cutter will have you gardening a path to the bank." ( review)
    "Here is wise advice and counsel on an ethical and prosperous way of being in the workday world based on Tibetan Buddhist principles." ( Spirituality and Health)

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    Just change the reader voice

    Can you please record this because with another reader. This one is so weak and annoying

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