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Couverture de The Best Defense

The Best Defense

De : A. W. Gray
Lu par : Rebecca Mitchell
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    At a gala event in downtown Dallas, lawyer Sharon Hays runs into an old friend turned Hollywood star who is in town promoting her most recent film with her current lover - a Hollywood bad boy. But when a brutally murdered corpse is discovered in her posh hotel suite, the starlet finds herself accused of the crime.

    Sharon is all too eager to take up her friend's defense, but the facts of what happened that night in the hotel room are far from clear. Sharon's friend claims she never went back to the room, and her lover had supposedly blacked out. Soon Sharon finds herself in the media spotlight defending America's sweetheart.

    ©2014 A. W. Gray (P)2014 Blackstone Audio, Inc.

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      3 out of 5 stars
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      3 out of 5 stars
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      3 out of 5 stars

    Nice, but not memorable

    The story takes almost until the last third to gather some speed, the plot is fine though not extraordinary. The whole novel might probably have been condensed to half the length. This is a detective story (legal 'thriller' would be too much, there is nothing thrilling here) that works fine if you have something else to do (ironing?) and want to be entertained a little at the same time. On the whole totally average, as is my three star evaluation of this book.

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