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Couverture de The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

De : Clayborne Carson - editor, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Lu par : Levar Burton
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    He was a husband, a father, a preacher - and the preeminent leader of a movement that continues to transform America and the world. Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the twentieth century's most influential men and lived one of its most extraordinary lives. Now, in a special program commissioned and authorized by his family, here is the life and times of Martin Luther King, Jr. drawn from a comprehensive collection of writings, recordings, and documentary materials, many of which have never before been made public.

    This history-making autobiography is Martin Luther King in his own words as read by others and in his own words and voice: the mild-mannered, inquisitive child and student who chafed under and eventually rebelled against segregation; the dedicated young minister who continually questioned the depths of his faith and the limits of his wisdom; the loving husband and father who sought to balance his family's needs with those of a growing, nationwide movement; and the reflective, world-famous leader who was fired by a vision of equality for people everywhere.

    In original recordings of his own vivid, compassionate voice, here at last is Martin Luther King, Jr.'s unforgettable chronicle of his life and his legacy. Years in the making, and woven together from thousands of recordings and documents, including letters to his family and diary entries, this program is a unique compilation which includes many rare recordings of Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering sermons, speeches, lectures, and addresses. Highlights include "I Have a Dream," "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," and "The Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech."

    ©1998 Intellectual Properties Management, Inc., All Rights Reserved; ©1998 Time Warner AudioBooks (Packaging Only), A Division of Time Warner Trade Publishing (P)1998 Intellectual Properties Management, Inc., All Rights Reserved; 16 9; 1998 Time Warner AudioBooks (Packaging Only), A Division of Time Warner Trade Publishing


    • Grammy Award Winner, Best Spoken Word Album, 1999

    "More than a resource, The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr., is a keepsake." (AudioFile)

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