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Couverture de Star Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

Star Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter

De : Michael Reeves
Lu par : Michael Cumpsty
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    New York Times best seller

    For the infamous, power-hungry Sith, beholden to the dark side, the time has come to rise again.

    After years of waiting in the shadows, Darth Sidious is taking the first step in his master plan to bring the Republic to its knees. Key to his scheme are the Neimoidians of the Trade Federation. Then one of his Neimoidian contacts disappears, and Sidious does not need his Force-honed instincts to suspect betrayal. He orders his apprentice, Darth Maul, to hunt the traitor down.

    But he is too late. The secret has already passed into the hands of information broker Lorn Pavan, which places him right at the top of Darth Maul's hit list. Then, in the labyrinthine alleyways and sewers of Coruscant, capital city of the Republic, Lorn crosses paths with Darsha Assant, a Jedi Padawan on a mission to earn her Knighthood. Now the future of the Republic depends on Darsha and Lorn. But how can an untried Jedi and an ordinary man, stranger to the powerful ways of the Force, hope to triumph over one of the deadliest killers in the galaxy?

    This special edition features an all-new Darth Maul short story as well as “Star Wars:® Darth Maul: Saboteur” - both written by New York Times best-selling author James Luceno!

    Download all of our Star Wars titles you can!
    ©2001 Lucasfilm Ltd. and TM. Random House Audio, a division of Random House Inc. (P)2001 Lucasfilm Ltd. and TM. Random House Audio, a division of Random House Inc.


    "Full of lightsaber battles, the Jedi philosophy, and lots of new life forms." ( Chicago Sun-Times)
    "Reaves writes with a creative flair, allowing readers to experience an almost cinematic sensation as they move through the story. The language is colorful, the action scenes are dynamic, and the dialogue is realistic." ( Winston-Salem Journal)

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