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Couverture de Stalkers


De : Paul Finch
Lu par : Paul Thornley
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    Special low price for a limited period to discover Paul Finch’s debut crime novel.

    Time’s up. You’re Next.

    "All he had to do was name the woman he wanted. It was that easy. They would do all the hard work."

    Detective Sergeant Mark 'Heck' Heckenburg is investigating the disappearance of 38 different women. Each one was happy and successful until they vanished without a trace.

    Desperate to find her missing sister, Lauren Wraxford seeks out Heck’s help. Together they enter a seedy underworld of gangsters and organised crime.

    But when they hear rumours about the so-called 'Nice Guys Club' they hit a brick wall. They're the gang that no one will talk about. Because the Nice Guys can arrange anything you want. Provided you pay the price…

    Dark, terrifying and unforgettable. Stalkers will keep fans of Stuart MacBride and Katia Lief looking over their shoulder.

    ©2013 Paul Finch (P)2013 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    “Edge-of-the-seat reading…Heck is formidable – a British Alex Cross.” THE SUN

    “Wonderfully dark and peppered with grim humour. Finch is a born storyteller and writes with the authentic voice of the ex-copper he is.” PETER JAMES

    "An ingenious and original plot. Compulsive reading.” RACHEL ABBOTT

    “A deliciously twisted and fiendish set of murders and a great pairing of detectives.” STAV SHEREZ

    “Avon’s big star…part edge-of-the-seat, part hide-behind-the-sofa! An excellent series.” THE BOOKSELLER

    “An explosive thriller that will leave you completely hooked on Heck.” WE LOVE THIS BOOK

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