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Couverture de Speaks the Nightbird

Speaks the Nightbird

De : Robert R. McCammon
Lu par : Edoardo Ballerini
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    Audie Award Nominee, Fiction, 2013

    Judgment of the Witch

    The Carolinas, 1699: The citizens of Fount Royal believe a witch has cursed their town with inexplicable tragedies - and they demand that beautiful widow Rachel Howarth be tried and executed for witchcraft. Presiding over the trial is traveling magistrate Issac Woodward, aided by his astute young clerk, Matthew Corbett. Believing in Rachel's innocence, Matthew will soon confront the true evil at work in Fount Royal....

    Evil Unveiled

    After hearing damning testimony, magistrate Woodward sentences the accused witch to death by burning. Desperate to exonerate the woman he has come to love, Matthew begins his own investigation among the townspeople. Piecing together the truth, he has no choice but to vanquish a force more malevolent than witchcraft in order to save his beloved Rachel - and free Fount Royal from the menace claiming innocent lives.

    ©2002 Robert McCammon (P)2012 Audible, Inc.


    “Edoardo Ballerini performs this story of accusation and fear flawlessly. He effortlessly switches his pitch, accents, and timbre to suit the unfortunate Rachel Howarth, the endless curious Corbett, and the various determined characters, good and evil.” (AudioFile)
    "a compelling story that should find a wide readership. Highly recommended for popular fiction collections." (Library Journal)
    "An excellent story, full of tension and suspense.” (Stephen King)

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