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Couverture de Soulbbatical


De : Shelley Paxton
Lu par : Shelley Paxton
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    Part memoir, part manifesto, Soulbbatical is an invitation to become Chief Soul Officer of your own life - and to open up a whole new world of possibility.

    "An honest, emotionally gut-wrenching, and ultimately soul-satisfying memoir.” (Kirkus Reviews)

    Former Harley-Davidson executive Shelley Paxton did just that. She walked away at the peak of her 26-year marketing career and embarked on a profoundly personal journey to reconnect with her true purpose and deepest desires. She called it her “Soulbbatical”, and it not only changed her life, it became her calling.

    Paxton had a wildly successful life by most definitions - iconic brands, executive titles, and a globe-trotting career that took her to over 60 countries. She had one of the coolest jobs in the world, yet couldn’t shake the feeling that she had lost herself along the way. Something was missing.

    Here, she takes you on a sometimes harrowing, often hilarious journey through the illness, divorce, addiction, and tragedy that finally woke her up. Suddenly she was rebelling for her best life, and embracing a new mission: to encourage others to live their most authentic, courageous, and purposeful lives - today.

    Soulbbatical is an unconventional, exhilarating, and totally badass road map to discovering what you really want - and getting it. Because no matter how far you’ve strayed from your soul’s true path, it’s never too late for transformation.

    ©2020 Shelley Paxton (P)2020 Simon & Schuster Audio

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