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Couverture de Shattered Sword

Shattered Sword

De : Jonathan Parshall, Anthony Tully
Lu par : Tom Perkins
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    Many consider the Battle of Midway to have turned the tide of the Pacific War. It is without question one of the most famous battles in history. Now, for the first time since Gordon W. Prange's best-selling Miracle at Midway, Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully offer a new interpretation of this great naval engagement. Unlike previous accounts, Shattered Sword makes extensive use of Japanese primary sources. It also corrects the many errors of Mitsuo Fuchida's Midway: The Battle That Doomed Japan, an uncritical reliance upon which has tainted every previous Western account. It thus forces a major, potentially controversial reevaluation of the great battle.

    Parshall and Tully examine the battle in detail and effortlessly place it within the context of the Imperial Navy's doctrine and technology. With a foreword by leading World War II naval historian John Lundstrom, Shattered Sword is an indispensable part of any military buff's library.

    Shattered Sword is the winner of the 2005 John Lyman Book Award for the "Best Book in U.S. Naval History" and was cited by Proceedings as one of its "Notable Naval Books" for 2005.

    ©2005 Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully (P)2019 Tantor
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire


    “This incredibly detailed book provides a whole new approach to the study and interpretation of the battle.” (Ships and Shipping)

    John Lyman Book Award, Best Book in U.S. Naval History, 2005

    Notable Naval Books, Proceedings, 2005.

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Shattered Sword

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    A crucial work that dispells myths

    This is a vital and serious work of history, using archives on both sides to deconstruct myths on the battle of Midway.. it does for midway what David Glantz has done for Barbarossa. It is correcting 50 years of misdirection of Western historical work, at least the one accessible to wide audiences. Truth matters and I am grateful for works such as these that we create a more accurate and truthful picture off an important historical event.

    I found the audio version great, the reading clear and accessible. This is worth your while.

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