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Couverture de Rescued by a Kiss

Rescued by a Kiss

De : Colleen Mooney
Lu par : Alyson Krawchuk
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    It was a kiss to kill for....

    Brandy Alexander’s the real deal. Yes, that’s her real name and no, she’s not a stripper, but her best friend Julia is. Brandy still lives with her parents in the Irish Channel and she’s sort of semi kind of engaged to the boy next door, who’s one of New Orleans’ finest. In fact, Dante, the BF, is such a thoroughgoing New Orleanian he always manages Mardi Gras parade duty on his own block. So you'd think Brandy might be a little self-conscious when a suave smoothie in one of the gentlemen’s walking clubs mesmerizes her into a big fat Mardi Gras smooch right in front of him. But not a bit. Because after all, it's Mardi Gras, and also for another good reason: “That kiss was long, slow, hot, unlike any kiss I’d ever had in my life.”

    A first date that gets bloody...

    She makes a date to meet Mr. Good Kiss after the parade (Yes! Right in front of Mr. Right Next Door) but she arrives just in time to see him get shot, but fortunately not shot dead. Before he passes out, he pulls her close and whispers, “Save Isabella.” 

    Wall Street Journal best-selling author Colleen Mooney delivers a zany, offbeat thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat. You’d think a mystery that begins with an eligible man taking a bullet might be a bit dark, but Colleen Mooney has something else in mind, something like a screwball chase all over town, from Lee Circle to the Lakefront, with a stop at Charity Hospital, and finally to the French Quarter’s favorite gay dance club, at all times accompanied by Schnauzers, one of them named Geaux Cup.

    In Colleen Mooney’s funny, romantic, delightfully meandering cozy mystery, you gon’ have a authentic New Orleans experience, dawlin’! And a wild ride into the bargain.

    Scroll up and listen today!

    ©2014 Colleen Mooney (P)2019 Colleen Mooney

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