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Couverture de Qi Dao Initiation

Qi Dao Initiation

De : Lama Somananda Tantrapa Tulku
Lu par : Lama Somananda Tantrapa Tulku
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    You are about to embark on a journey of discovering your inner world, the world of lucid dreaming and spiritual adventure. Discover the magic of Qi Dao meditation, presented by the Guru of Dream Yoga. Whether you are an experienced meditator or a complete beginner, the practices from this album give you an opportunity to transcend stereotypical views of meditation. Once you have integrated these practices into your daily life, your life will never be the same.

    Without the regular practice of Qi Dao, Lama Tantrapa would have not been able to survive many of the life-or-death situations he was destined to go through. Even if your life is not as adventurous as his, you will certainly benefit from learning to be more natural, centered, and awake. Lama Tantrapa's original, non-dogmatic approach to meditation and Dream Yoga is very refreshing and sometimes even humorous. He constantly improvises and invites you to allow your creativity and spontaneity to flow freely.

    Authenticity is one of the main requirements for succeeding in the practice of Qi Dao, which includes thoroughly testing all the available options and approaches. To be in the flow of your life's journey, you simply need to make choices that you resonate with in each moment. This applies to your physical position for meditation, the time and place you practice, as well as any specific techniques for breathing and mental awareness. All practices in this album are presented in a developmentally progressive sequence, beginning with sitting meditation - lucid daydreaming - that will help your mind become more lucid. Then you will progress from the standing meditation to the dynamic one, which will enable you to feel the flow of Qi in your organism and let it harmonize your internal conflicts.

    Finally, you will arrive to the first stage of Qi Dao Initiation, which will open the doors to ever greater awareness and enlightenment, as well as empower whatever needs to be empowered in your being.

    ©2008 Lama Tantrapa (P)2008 Lama Tantrapa

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