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Couverture de Planet B: The Complete Series 1-3

Planet B: The Complete Series 1-3

De : Matthew Broughton
Lu par : Adjoa Andoh, Chris Pavlo, full cast, Gunnar Cauthery
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    ‘Planet B’ is a virtual world with the slogan: "Where you can be whatever you want to be." Users can download themselves into it and play as a life-size avatars in a 3D world.

    When Lioba Fielding dies in the real world, her boyfriend John Armstrong downloads himself into Planet B in an attempt to find her avatar. As he travels between various worlds he becomes entangled in an array of strange scenarios, teleporting from each adventure to the next with his companion Medley, a "rogue avatar" who has no human controller. All the while, John and Medley are being watched by a dog-like antivirus programme called Cerberus who, along with the Planet B Corporation, considers the rogues to be a computer virus that need to be wiped out.

    But John soon begins to believe that Lioba may still be alive somewhere in Planet B, and that the games he is playing may be more real and deadly than he first thought.


    Planet B…Adjoah Andoh

    John Armstong…Gunnar Cauthery

    Lioba Fielding…Donnla Hughes/Tessa Nicholson

    Medley…Lizzy Watts/Claire Harry

    Cerberus…Chris Pavlo

    Kip Berenger…Joseph Cohen-Cole/Lloyd Thomas

    Lead writer: Matthew Broughton 

    Producer: Jessica Dromgoole

    Script Editor: James Robinson

    ©2019 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2019 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd


    "Matthew Broughton's tale of a malfunctioning virtual world is engrossing." (The Stage)

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