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Couverture de Period


De : Emma Barnett
Lu par : Emma Barnett
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    Don’t be revolted, lead the revolt – preferably with a grin on your face and a tampon tucked proudly behind your ear.

    Emma loathes her period. Really, she does. But there’s something she loathes even more: not being able to talk about it. Freely, funnily and honestly. Without men and women wrinkling their noses as if she’s pulled her tampon out and offered it as an hors d'oeuvre.

    But somehow, despite women having had periods since the dawn of time, we’ve totally clammed up on anything to do with menstruation. Why, oh why, would we rather say ‘Auntie Flo’ than ‘period’? Why, in the 21st century, are periods still seen as icky? Why are we still so ignorant about such a fundamental bodily process?

    Now, in Period., Emma draws on female experiences that will make you laugh, weep (and, most probably, squirm), in a fierce and funny rallying cry to smash this ridiculous taboo once and for all.

    Because it’s about bloody time.


    ©2019 Emma Barnett (P)2019 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "Empowering and liberating." (The Daily Telegraph)

    "I wish this book had been written before I stopped having them. I might have enjoyed them more! It’s brilliant, informative and funny. Period." (Jennifer Saunders)

    "I want to hear what Emma Barnett says about everything, and this terrific and timely book proves to be no exception." (Elizabeth Day)

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