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Couverture de Paris


De : Edward Rutherfurd
Lu par : Jane Wymark, Jonathan Keeble
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    "City of love. City of splendour. City of terror. City of dreams."

    Inspired by the haunting, passionate story of the city of lights, this epic novel weaves a gripping tale of four families across the centuries: from the lies that spawn the noble line of de Cygne to the revolutionary Le Sourds who seek their destruction; from the Blanchards whose bourgeois respectability offers scant protection against scandal to the hard-working Gascons and their soaring ambitions.

    Over hundreds of years, these four families are bound by forbidden loves and marriages of convenience; dogged by vengeance and murderous secrets; torn apart by the irreconcilable differences of birth and faith, and brought together by the tumultuous history of their city. Paris bursts to life in the intrigue, corruption and glory of its people.

    Beloved author of Sarum, London, and New York, Edward Rutherfurd illuminates Paris as only he can: capturing the romance and everyday drama of the men and women who, in 2000 years, transformed a humble trading post on the muddy banks of the Seine into the most celebrated city in the world.

    ©2013 Edward Rutherford (P)2013 Hodder & Stoughton


    "From the ice-age to the present day, Rutherfurd's scope is vast. Both historical novel and adventure epic, this is a work of universal appeal.'' ( Kirkus UK, on Sarum)
    ''Hold your breath suspense, buccaneering adventure, and passionate tales of love and war.'' ( The Times, on London)

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