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Couverture de Nothing Good Happens After Midnight

Nothing Good Happens After Midnight

De : Jeffery Deaver - editor and contributor, Joseph Badal - contributor, Lindwood Barclay - contributor, Rhys Bowen - contributor, Heather Graham - contributor, Alan Jacobson - contributor, Paul Kemprecos - contributor, Shannon Kirk - contributor, Jon Land - contributor, John Lescroart - contributor, D.P. Lyle - contributor, Kevin O'Brien - contributor, Hank Phillippi Ryan - contributor
Lu par : Matt Godfrey, Emily Sutton-Smith
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    The sun sets. The moon takes its place, illuminating the most evil corners of the planet. What twisted fear dwells in that blackness? What legends attach to those of sound mind and make them go crazy in the bright light of day? Only Suspense Magazine knows....

    Teaming up with New York Times best-selling author Jeffery Deaver, Suspense Magazine offers up a nail-biting anthology titled Nothing Good Happens After Midnight. This thrilling collection consists of 13 original short stories representing the genres of suspense/thriller, mystery, sci-fi/fantasy, and more.

    Fans' favorites come together to explore the mystery of midnight. The "best of the best" presenting these memorable tales include: Joseph Badal, Linwood Barclay, Rhys Bowen, Jeffery Deaver, Heather Graham, Alan Jacobson, Paul Kemprecos, Shannon Kirk, Jon Land, John Lescroart, D. P. Lyle, Kevin O'Brien, and Hank Phillippi Ryan.

    Take their hands...walk into their worlds...but be prepared to leave the light on when you're through. After all, this incredible gathering of authors, who will delight fans of all genres, not only utilized their award-winning imaginations to answer that age-old question of why Nothing Good Happens After Midnight - they also made sure to pen stories that will leave you...speechless.

    ©2020 Suspense Publishing, LLC (P)2020 Tantor

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