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Couverture de Neuroscience - Medical School Crash Course

Neuroscience - Medical School Crash Course

De : AudioLearn Medical Content Team
Lu par : Bhama Roget
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    AudioLearn's Medical School Crash Courses presents neuroscience.

    Written by experts and authorities in the field and professionally narrated for easy listening, this crash course is a valuable tool both during school and when preparing for the USMLE, or if you're simply interested in neuroscience.

    The audio is focused and high-yield, covering the most important topics you might expect to learn in a typical medical school neuroscience course. Included are both capsule and detailed explanations of critical issues and topics you must know to master neuroscience.

    The material is accurate, up to date, and broken down into bite-sized sections. There is a Q&A and a key takeaways section following each topic to review questions commonly tested and drive home key points.

    In this course, we'll cover the following topics:

    • Neurons and glial cells
    • The synapse
    • Somatic sensory system
    • Peripheral motor system
    • Autonomic nervous system
    • Senses
    • Brain anatomy
    • Spinal cord anatomy and function
    • Limbic system
    • Cranial nerves
    • Neurotransmitters
    • Mental illness and the brain
    • Memory and learning

    Also included is a comprehensive test containing the top 100 most commonly tested questions in neuroscience with the correct answers. AudioLearn's Medical School Crash Courses support your studies, help with USMLE preparation, and provide a comprehensive audio review of the topic matter for anyone interested in what medical students are taught in a typical medical school neuroscience course.

    ©2018 AudioLearn (P)2018 AudioLearn

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Neuroscience - Medical School Crash Course

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      4 out of 5 stars

    very Well structured introduction to neurology

    I fully agree with review No 1 related to this book. it is an intro for medicine students. The contents can though easily be understood by others than students, though additional reading in a real book is needed to follow the different chapters in this book.

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