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Couverture de My Life as Eva

My Life as Eva

De : Eva Gutowski
Lu par : Eva Gutowski
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    From the popular YouTube tastemaker Eva Gutowski comes a unique lifestyle and advice book on the ups and downs of life in her hilarious and earnest voice.

    What's up, guys? It's me, Eva! You may know me from my YouTube channel, MyLifeasEva. If that's the case, then you might also know that I have a munchkin cat named Paris, a weird obsession with patterned sock collecting, and the tendency to say "holy schnitzel!" at all the wrong moments. Like...embarrassing moments.

    I'm so lucky to have my fans - over seven million besties and counting! It has been amazing to meet so many of you since I started making videos. Growing up, books were what got me through life - a lot of the good times and the really, really bad times. And no matter how challenging life got, I promised myself that I would get through it, in hopes that someday I'd have chances to help people who need that one piece of great advice at just the right time. So here's a book by me, totally for you. I'll tell you a ton of my secrets, a lot of fail stories, and how I made it through - and you can, too! Think of my book like a best friend you can turn to at any time. Xo Eva.

    ©2017 Eva Gutowski (P)2017 Simon & Schuster

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