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Couverture de Mother Go

Mother Go

De : James Patrick Kelly
Lu par : January LaVoy
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    She is the clone of a famed space explorer, but Mariska Volochkova rejects her mother and her heritage and wants no part of interstellar adventure. Although she is genetically engineered to hibernate through the interminable decades of space travel, Mariska's home is a habitat on the moon, and there she intends to stay.

    But the sweep of interplanetary politics and an affair with a Martian catches Mariska up in a conspiracy to commit a bold theft that will alter the future of space colonization. Mariska must put her life on the line again and again if she is to discover who she is and what her true destiny must be.

    In his first new novel in more than 20 years, Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Award winner James Patrick Kelly has crafted a hard science techno-thriller that never loses its focus on the conflicted emotional life of Mariska, a true citizen of the posthuman 22nd century.

    ©2017 James Patrick Kelly (P)2017 Audible, Inc.


    "The novel is notable for the economy and clarity of its prose and for the assuredness with which it treats and critiques some familiar SF conventions....what sets Mother Go apart is Mariska herself, not always sympathetic but continually compelling, as she tries to find a way to inhabit the worlds she inherits." (Locus)
    "A wonderfully exuberant space opera....January LaVoy... imparts Mariska with a level of dynamism, urgency, and emotion.... a well-rounded and fun trip that harkens back to the optimistic era of golden-age sci-fi." (The Verge)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Mother Go

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