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Couverture de Matthew


De : Becca Fanning
Lu par : Audrey Lusk
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    Melinda Darling has always dreamed of being at the center of the Nashville country music scene. She thought getting her Master's Degree in Music Business would be her ticket to the top, but it turns out managers are a dime a dozen in Music City. With no other prospects and student loan repayments on the horizon, she takes an internship position under the devious Kitty Konstantine. The job was simple: find talent, introduce talent to Konstantine Talent Agency, and keep it all professional. When she finds The 4 Saints, she can see the men ooze with talent, their stage presence commanding rapt attention. When she lays eyes on Matt Saint, she knows she has no hope of keeping it professional.

    Matthew Saint has a lot on his shoulders, and he's got the scars to prove it. As guitarist for The 4 Saints, he and his brothers have to live in two worlds. On the one hand, they're up and coming country music stars just trying to make it in Nashville. On the other hand, they're a clan of Bear Shifters that have to be careful who they let get close. Trouble is never far off, and since meeting Mel Darlin', he thinks maybe he's due for a little more trouble in his life.

    ©2016 Becca Fanning (P)2016 Becca Fanning

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